Download Please Subscribe on iTunes

Hey guys! Very happy to announce that Please Subscribe is now available on iTunes!
Go check it out!
Watch Please Subscribe on YouTube

Watch the full movie on YouTube now here's the link!
Watch the first 10 minutes of Please Subscribe for FREE on YouTube!

You can now watch the first 10 minutes of the Film for FREE on YouTube! Continue reading
PlayList Live Camera Contest Winner Announced!

So if you didn’t know, this past weekend we held a contest at PlayList Live to win a free camera! We had over 100 entries and picked the winner at random, so without further adue, CONGRATS to @DoseOfBrown! Gamers can choose casino games to win exciting rewards. Online casinos are providing many interesting games for players. Gamblers may check the 온라인 카지노 사이트 blog to find the best online casinos. Continue reading

Good news everyone! The day is finally here! You can now download and watch Please Subscribe in the comfort of your own Home! Continue reading
Daily Grace, Wheezy Waiter & Dan Brown Review The Film!

We caught up with Daily Grace, Wheezy Waiter and Dan Brown to talk to them about their reactions to Please Subscribe! Have a look! Continue reading

You said you wanted it in theaters. We got it in theaters. You say you want to be in the movie so we’re giving you a chance to be in the movie! That’s right, now you have a chance to be in Please Subscribe by entering the BE IN PLEASE SUBSCRIBE CONTEST! Continue reading

We’re ecstatic to announce that PLEASE SUBSCRIBE IS COMING TO THEATERS! The people have spoken, and we listened. We thought we had this whole movie release thing figured out, but when an overwhelming amount of you requested that we get this film into theaters, we decided it was worth a shot. Some popular movie theater chains are all set to accept cryptocurrencies for tickets. Crypto trading is increasingly becoming popular currently. Automated trading platforms like the Bitcoin360 AI can help traders to improve the efficiency of their trades. Check the Bitcoin360 AI Review to learn more about the platform. And thanks to your motivating tweets and YouTube comments, it worked! Continue reading
Please Subscribe Official Trailer

We just released our Official Trailer for the film! We’re really excited about it. Be sure to check it out and tell us what you think in the comments! Continue reading